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Shaping the Way We Teach English, 2: Paths to Success in ELT (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/shaping2paths

简介: Learn effective approaches to English language teaching. This is the second of two teacher training courses based on the internationally-recognized Shaping the Way We Teach English videos and resources and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and the University of Oregon. You can begin with either course.

Structural Equation Model and its Applications | 结构方程模型及其应用 (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/sem

简介: 在社会学、心理学、教育学、经济学、管理学、市场学等研究领域的数据分析中,结构方程建模是当前最前沿的统计方法中应用最广、研究最多的一个。它包含了方差分析、回归分析、路径分析和因子分析,弥补了传统回归分析和因子分析的不足,可以分析多因多果的联系、潜变量的关系,还可以处理多水平数据和纵向数据,是非常重要的多元数据分析工具。本课程系统地介绍结构方程模型和LISREL软件的应用,内容包括:结构方程分析(包括验证性因子分析)的基本概念、统计原理、在社会科学研究中的应用、常用模型及其LISREL程序、结果的解释和模型评价。学员应具备基本的统计知识(如:标准差、t-检验、相关系数),理解回归分析和因子分析的概念。 注:本课程配套教材为《结构方程模型及其应用》(以LISREL软件为例)。

Student Thinking at the Core (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 7 weeks

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/corethink

简介: This course explores how teachers can capitalize on what students bring to the classroom - their ideas, perceptions, and misunderstandings - to advance the learning of all students in the class, a practice we call “leveraging student thinking”.

Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/dyslexiaintro

简介: This course is for teachers to learn why some children have so much difficulty with reading and writing and to learn more about best practice in teaching literacy to all, in light of recent scientific discoveries.

Surviving Your Rookie Year of Teaching: 3 Key Ideas & High Leverage Techniques (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/rookieteaching

简介: Learn the key ideas and techniques that you need to survive - and thrive - as a rookie teacher.

Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 5 weeks

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/teachingcharacter

简介: Positive psychology meets K-12 pedagogy. This course explores key ideas of positive psychology and shows how great teachers apply those lessons to maximize student engagement and accomplishment. Through lectures, discussions, interviews and footage of great educators in action, you’ll learn how to integrate character-based objectives into your own teaching.

Teaching goes massive: new skills required (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/massiveteaching

简介: The course offers a review of (at least) the business, legal, pedagogical and technical aspects of MOOCs, destined to higher education professionals who might feel threatened by them in terms of job security.

Teaching Statistical Thinking: Part 1 Descriptive Statistics (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/teachstats1

简介: We prepare high school teachers for teaching descriptive statistics. Teachers will learn basic principles for summarizing data in meaningful ways. Satellite videos will discuss pedagogy and teach statistical software via examples spanning pop culture, sports, health and other topics suitable for high school classrooms.

Teaching the Violin and Viola: Creating a Healthy Foundation (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/teachingstrings

简介: In a practical 10-session format, Creating a Healthy Foundation presents a holistic approach to beginning violin and viola pedagogy, offering both new and seasoned string teachers a step-by-step exercise guide and repertoire that will have students looking and sounding terrific.

Tecnologías de información y comunicación en la educación (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/ticyeducacion

简介: Analiza diferentes casos de estudio de usos educativos de las TIC y diseña un ambiente de aprendizaje que involucre herramientas digitales y tecnologías basadas en Internet.

Tennis (MIT公开课) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 未知

主页: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/athletics-physical-education-and-recreation/pe-710-tennis-spring-2007

简介: The goals of this instructional course are to get you started in this wonderful sport and to give you a working knowledge of tennis. It should help you to understand the basics of a sport and how to perform these basics. Most of the course will focus on the basic stroke techniques. Variation to those techniques will be presented, as well as drills and games, so that you can take it to the court. Singles and doubles tactics will be covered as well.

The Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model for 21st Century Schools (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/braintargeted

简介: Improve the outcomes in your classroom through practical applications of neuro- and cognitive science research.

Using The Next Generation Science Standards for Students’ Deeper Understanding (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 4 weeks

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/sciframework

简介: This course is designed to guide science educators towards an understanding of the NRC Framework and how to integrate the Scientific and Engineering Design Practices into classroom instruction.

Virtual Teacher Final Project (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/vtfinalproject

简介: This final project allows students to apply their knowledge of virtual instruction by designing an online or blended instructional module. It is the final requirement for the Virtual Teacher Specialization Certificate.

Water: The Essential Resource (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/waterandenvironment

简介: Using water as the unifying theme, explore ocean and freshwater topics and instructional strategies to integrate environmental content in your teaching practice.

Weight Training (MIT公开课) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 未知

主页: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/athletics-physical-education-and-recreation/pe-720-weight-training-spring-2006

简介: This 12 session course is designed for the beginning or novice weight lifter, or for those who have experience lifting but lack proper instruction. We will provide an understanding of the biomechanics involved, muscles used for a given exercise, and program development.

What future for education? (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/futureeducation

简介: Everyone has experienced education as a learner: these experiences shape how we view and value education, and how we think it should develop in the future. In this course we critically examine a range of ideas around education: including learning, teaching and schooling. Our aim is to consider what our preferred future for education might look like.

日本料理_全9集_网易公开课 (Code School) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 拉斯维加斯艺术学院公开课:日本料理

主页: http://v.163.com/special/opencourse/cuisine.html

简介: 本课程针对的是日本料理,由日本厨师林师傅讲解的9种料理的做法。从制作日式高汤—狐鲣鱼汤到日本独特的饺子,从松脆的天妇罗到香醇的日式烤鸡肉串,令人垂涎欲滴。林师傅教授的过程极为细腻,每点都讲得很清楚,值得学习。

游戏与学习-教育性游戏简介_全14集_网易公开课 (Code School) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 缅因州教育部公开课:游戏与学习-教育性游戏简介

主页: http://v.163.com/special/opencourse/gameandlearn.html

简介: 电子游戏可以提供丰富的世界和复杂的故事,从而提高并转变学习者的教育体验。要利用电子游戏的这一潜能,我们必须先了解那些成功的游戏的潜在原则,以及如何将它们运用于课堂。本课程将为教育者提供如何成功地在课堂上运用教育性游戏的相关知识。