StatLearning: Statistical Learning

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 未知

所在平台: Stanford Online

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: Stanford University(斯坦福大学)


课程评论: 3 个评论

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This is an introductory-level course in supervised learning, with a focus on regression and classification methods. The syllabus includes: linear and polynomial regression, logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis; cross-validation and the bootstrap, model selection and regularization methods (ridge and lasso); nonlinear models, splines and generalized additive models; tree-based methods, random forests and boosting; support-vector machines. Some unsupervised learning methods are discussed: principal components and clustering (k-means and hierarchical). This is not a math-heavy class, so we try and describe the methods without heavy reliance on formulas and complex mathematics. We focus on what we consider to be the important elements of modern data analysis. Computing is done in R. There are lectures devoted to R, giving tutorials from the ground up, and progressing with more detailed sessions that implement the techniques in each chapter. The lectures cover all the material in by James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani (Springer, 2013). As of January 5, 2014, the pdf for this book will be available for free, with the consent of the publisher, on the book website.



52nlp 2014-04-14 18:51 1 票支持; 0 票反对



52nlp 2014-02-06 15:27 1 票支持; 0 票反对

这门统计学习课程和凸优化课程节前备受大家关注,不过春节的缘故,我暂时放了放,节后回来选课时发现这门课程比较复合我的口味,参考教程是《An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R》,授课老师也是这本书的作者,并且电子版官方免费提供:。同时时间还没有错过,老师们比较人性的考虑了大家可能有一些特殊事情耽误课程的问题,统一把作业截止时间调整为2014年3月21号,只要这个时间之前完成作业,都可以算数。

另外之前在“公开课可下载资源汇总” 帖子下有同学询问这门课程的视频下载情况,所以顺手把目前4讲的视频下载了下来(其实注册课程后,每个课程视频下都有下载链接),统一放到百度网盘上了:Stanford Statistical Learning 2014,需要的同学可以考虑收藏,回头完成这门课程之后再来写课程点评。


王枷淇_ghostwang 2014-01-21 10:23 1 票支持; 1 票反对



This is an introductory-level course in supervised learning, with a focus on regression and classification methods. The syllabus includes: linear and polynomial regression, logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis; cross-validation and the bootstrap, model selection and regularization methods (ridge and lasso); nonlinear models, splines and generalized additive models; tree-based methods, random forests and boosting; support-vector machines. Some unsupervised learning methods are discussed: principal components and clustering (k-means and hierarchical).


统计 统计学习 统计学习基础 机器学习 数据挖掘 斯坦福大学 StatLearning R 数据分析

