Experimental Genome Science

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 生物与生命科学

大学或机构: University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学)

授课老师: John Hogenesch John Isaac Murray

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/genomescience


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Each of our cells contains nearly identical copies of our genome, which provides instructions that allow us to develop and function. The field of Genomics focuses on the structure and function of genomes and plays a major and increasing role in both medicine and research. This course serves as an introduction to the main laboratory and theoretical aspects of genomics and is divided into themes: genomes, genetics, functional genomics, systems biology, single cell approaches, proteomics, and applications. We start with the basics, DNA sequencing and the genome project, then move to high throughput sequencing methods and applications. Next we introduce principles of genetics and then apply them in clinical genetics and other large-scale sequencing projects. In the functional genomics unit, we start with RNA expression dynamics, analysis of alternative splicing, epigenomics and ChIP-seq, and metagenomics. Model organisms and forward and reverse genetics screens are then discussed, along with quantitative trait locus (QTL) and eQTL analysis. After that, we introduce integrative and single cell genomics approaches and systems biology. Finally, we conclude by introducing in applying proteomic approaches.



Each of our cells contains nearly identical copies of our genome, which provides instructions that allow us to develop and function. This course serves as an introduction to the main laboratory and theoretical aspects of genomics and is divided into themes: genomes, genetics, functional genomics, systems biology, single cell approaches, proteomics, and applications.





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