Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 人文

大学或机构: Rutgers University(罗格斯大学)

授课老师: Daniel M. Ogilvie Leonard W. Hamilton



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Exploration of the causes and consequences of various beliefs about the soul. Topics such as the self, mind/body dualism, evolution, culture, death anxiety, afterlife, and religious and political conflict.


Unit 1:  Historical Foundations of Science, Religion, and Worldviews

1.      Introduction to the Course (Profs. Ogilvie & Hamilton)

2.      What I was Told to Believe (Prof. Ogilvie & students)

3.      Historical Foundations of Soul Beliefs – Part I (Prof. Ogilvie)

4.      Historical Foundations of Soul Beliefs – Part II (Prof. Ogilvie)

5.      Historical Foundations of Soul Beliefs – Part III (Profs. Ogilvie & Shors)

6.      Functions of Religion in Ancient & Modern Times (Prof. Ogilvie)

7.      Religions Under Attack (Prof. Ogilvie)

8.      Big Ideas & Big Controversies (Prof. Hamilton)

9.      Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Prof. Hamilton)

10.  The Mind-Body Problem (Prof. Hamilton)

Unit 2:  Belief Systems as a Part of Our Lives

1.      Thinking and Feeling (Prof. Ogilvie)

2.      Terror Management (Prof. Solomon)

3.      Internalized Beliefs I (Prof. Ogilvie)

4.      Internalized Beliefs II: The Evolution of Senses of Self in Childhood (Prof. Ogilvie)

5.      After-Life, Out of Body, and Disembodied:  What’s the evidence? I (Prof. Musolino)

6.      After-Life, Out of Body, and Disembodied:  What’s the evidence? II (Prof. Musolino)

7.      The Brain and Our Emotional Future (Prof. Hamilton)

8.      The Biology of Thou Shalt Not (Prof. Hamilton)

9.      Free Will vs. Lawful Behavior (Prof. Hamilton)

10.   Evolutionary Psychology (Dr. Grysman)

11.    The Undesired Self (Prof. Ogilvie)

Unit 3: How Does It All End?

1.      The Evolution of the Human Brain (Prof. Hamilton)

2.      The Human Spark (Prof. Hamilton)

3.      The Scopes Trial:  Human Origins and the Public Classroom (Prof. Hamilton)

4.      The Dover Board of Education:  Intelligent Design and the Public Classroom (Video)

5.      Where Do We Go From Here? (Profs. Ogilvie & Hamilton)



Exploration of the causes and consequences of various beliefs about the soul. Topics such as the self, mind/body dualism, evolution, culture, death anxiety, afterlife, and religious and political conflict.


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