
开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 健康与社会

大学或机构: University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学)

授课老师: Jonathan D. Moreno


课程评论: 1 个评论

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My course on Neuroethics originally scheduled for this spring has been postponed until September.  I recognize that this will be an inconvenience for some and for that I apologize, but teaching an online course is a new experience for me, as taking one is for many of you, and as I've been preparing the sessions I have discovered that there is some fine-tuning to be done.  Since I don't want to compromise on quality I hope you will all understand and bear with me.    -- Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D.

“Perhaps a man really dies when his brain stops, when he loses the power to take in a new idea.” --George Orwell

Neuroethics might well be the most rapidly growing area within bioethics; indeed, in some respects neuroethics has grown as an independent field, with its own journals, professional society and institutional centers. This growth over the past decade is partly attributable to the growth of neuroscience itself and to the challenging philosophical and moral questions it inherently raises. A 2012 Royal Society report observes that “(a)n increasingly mechanistic understanding of the brain raises a host of ethical, legal, and social implications. This has laid the foundation for the emergent field of Neuroethics, which examines ethical issues governing the conceptual and practical developments of neuroscience. Irrespective of their validity, even the claims that modern neuroscience entails the re-examination of complex and sensitive topics like free will, consciousness, identity, and responsibility raises significant ethical issues. As such, neuroethics asks questions that extend beyond the usual umbrella of biomedical ethics.” This course will, therefore, consider the new knowledge and ways of learning about the brain from scientific and ethico-legal and social standpoints. We will examine the core themes of neuroethics, including cognitive enhancement, the nature of the self and personhood, neuroimaging and privacy, and the ways that all these themes are brought together in matters affecting national security.



要有光LTBL 2014-01-08 09:57 0 票支持; 0 票反对

可是我觉得效果不是很好= =一是跟录音没啥差别,画面就是老师的头,二是录音也就罢了音质还相当差音量也小。。。


This course will examine the ethical, legal and social issues raised by neuroscience. Topics will include the implications of new knowledge of the brain for our understanding of selfhood, for the meaning of privacy, for the distinction between therapy and enhancement, and for national security.






Why We Need Psychology 关注

Terrorism and Counterterrorism: comparing theory and practice 关注


Citizenship and U.S. Immigration 关注

Globalizing Higher Education and Research for the ‘Knowledge Economy’ 关注

The Law of the European Union: An Introduction 关注

Constitutional Law 关注

Understanding economic policymaking 关注

Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression 关注