How Green Is That Product? An Introduction to Environmental Life Cycle Assessment

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 物理与地球科学

大学或机构: Northwestern University(美国西北大学)

授课老师: Eric Masanet



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In this course you will learn the basics of the life-cycle assessment (LCA) method for holistic environmental analysis of products, technologies, and systems. LCA sheds light on the environmental implications of the consumption and behavioral choices we all make on a daily basis.


- The basics of energy and mass flows and exchanges with the environment
- Working with environmental data: strategies and pitfalls
- Study design: goal definition, system boundaries, and functional units
- Compiling the data: life-cycle inventory methods (process-based and input-output methods)
- Understanding impacts: life-cycle impact analysis for land, air, water, and health
- Dealing with data uncertainties: scenario, sensitivity, and uncertainty analysis
- Results interpretation and system improvements
- Parting thoughts: advice and next steps for continuous learning



In this course you will learn the basics of the life-cycle assessment (LCA) method for holistic environmental analysis of products, technologies, and systems. LCA sheds light on the environmental implications of the consumption and behavioral choices we all make on a daily basis.


西北大学 环境 生命周期评估 LCA 环境保护 环保 生命周期评价



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