Vaccine Trials: Methods and Best Practices

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 医学

大学或机构: Johns Hopkins University(约翰•霍普金斯大学)

授课老师: Karen R. Charron Amber Bickford Cox


课程评论: 1 个评论

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This course will explore the process of evaluating investigational vaccines in clinical trials including informed consent, recruitment, enrollment, safety evaluation, and quality data collection.


This course will cover the following topics: A brief review of vaccine history and types; how vaccine trials are conducted, including which data are collected and how those data are managed and evaluated; appropriate processes to ensure human subjects protection and informed consent; methods for recruitment and enrollment of participants; and vaccine safety assessment. Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the types of vaccines in use today
  • Describe how vaccines are evaluated in phase I and II clinical trials
  • Identify key regulatory requirements, considerations and ethical standards for human subjects protection and informed consent. 
  • Discuss how clinical trials are conducted with an emphasis on quality data and protection of the rights, safety and well-being of volunteers.



MarTierra 2013-08-13 03:31 0 票支持; 0 票反对

If you haven't had experience in working in a clinical trial environment, this course wud be EXTREEEEMELY boring... it's all about operation, not theory, nor methods. 就因为太boring了我从lecture 3之后全都拖着拖着到课程截止日期前一天才开工,lecture也听不下去就把quiz全都对着讲义给做了。Just for the purpose of exposure... know what the fuss vaccine trials are about and how they're operated.


This course will explore the process of evaluating investigational vaccines in clinical trials including informed consent, recruitment, enrollment, safety evaluation, and quality data collection.


医学 疫苗 实验 疫苗实验 疫苗方法 疫苗实践 疫苗试验 约翰霍普金斯 约翰霍普金斯大学



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