Introduction to Databases

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: Stanford University(斯坦福大学)

授课老师: Jennifer Widom


课程评论: 3 个评论

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"Introduction to Databases" had a very successful public offering in fall 2011, as one of Stanford's inaugural three massive open online courses. Since then, the course materials have been improved and expanded, and all materials are available for self-study. Students have access to lectures with in-video quizzes, multiple-choice quiz assignments, automatically-checked interactive programming exercises, midterm and final exams, a discussion forum, optional additional exercises with solutions, and pointers to readings and resources. Taught by Professor Jennifer Widom, the curriculum draws from Stanford's popular Introduction to Databases course. The material presented here is the same as the corresponding material presented on Stanford's Class2Go platform.

Why Learn About Databases?

Databases are incredibly prevalent -- they underlie technology used by most people every day if not every hour. Databases reside behind a huge fraction of websites; they're a crucial component of telecommunications systems, banking systems, video games, and just about any other software system or electronic device that maintains some amount of persistent information. In addition to persistence, database systems provide a number of other properties that make them exceptionally useful and convenient: reliability, efficiency, scalability, concurrency control, data abstractions, and high-level query languages. Databases are so ubiquitous and important that computer science graduates frequently cite their database class as the one most useful to them in their industry or graduate-school careers.


This course covers database design and the use of database management systems for applications. It includes extensive coverage of the relational model, relational algebra, and SQL. It also covers XML data including DTDs and XML Schema for validation, and the query and transformation languages XPath, XQuery, and XSLT. The course includes database design in UML, and relational design principles based on dependencies and normal forms. Many additional key database topics from the design and application-building perspective are also covered: indexes, views, transactions, authorization, integrity constraints, triggers, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), JSON, and emerging "NoSQL" systems.



王志元_可雪 2014-01-08 11:26 1 票支持; 0 票反对



超級現實的超現實理想主義者 2013-05-28 13:36 1 票支持; 0 票反对

這門課後來從Coursera上搬到了斯坦福的Class2go上,當時特意買了Jeffery Ullman & Jennifer Widom的教材,後來發現也是基本用不上,Jennifer Widom的講解特別清晰。我比較喜歡Class2go的網頁編程題,對於我這種初學者挺花時間,但也很有收獲。課程的內容不僅包括了傳統的SQL,還有XML,JSON等,並附有相關練習。他們的論壇也很好,在上面問問題反饋非常及時。如果要說缺點的話,那就是Class2go的頁面佈局確實沒有Coursera好,感覺挺亂的。說一點小八卦,Jennifer Widom的丈夫在Coursera上也開課,就是斯坦福的那門Compiler


课程图谱 2013-05-28 13:12 2 票支持; 2 票反对

2011年冬天有3门公开课的诞生足以载入史册,一个是Andrew Ng的“机器学习”,一个是Sebastian Thrun和Peter Norvig的“人工智能导论”,还有一个就是这门“数据库导论”。在这几门课一鸣惊人之后,Andrew Ng联合Daphne Koller创办了Coursra, 而Thrun和Norvig择创办了Udacity。

不知道当年有多少同学学习了这门数据库导论课程,而这门课程目前在Coursra上是少数几个可以“自主学习”的课程,就是随时可以学习的课程,不过不能拿证书,但是这又有什么呢? 我们是来学习知识的。


This course covers database design and the use of database management systems for applications.


数据库 数据库导论 数据库入门 斯坦福数据库导论 SQL NOSQL JSON



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