Rails Testing for Zombies

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: free

所在平台: Code School

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: codeschool

课程主页: http://www.codeschool.com/courses/rails-testing-for-zombies


第一个写评论        关注课程


Level 1
Intro to Test::Unit
1 Video - 9 Challenges
Testing philosophies, overview of Test Unit, TDD (Test Driven Development), and using assertions
Level 2
Model Testing
1 Video - 8 Challenges
Preparing the database, running tests, using fixtures, and testing relationships
Level 3
Cleaning It Up
1 Video - 6 Challenges
Writing custom assertions, using Test Helper, and introducing Shoulda
Level 4
Mocks & Stubs
1 Video - 6 Challenges
Understanding and using mocks and stubs with Mocha
Level 5
Integration Testing
1 Video - 6 Challenges
Rails integration commands, integration testing with Capybara, and writing and using helper methods
Level 6
Using Factories
1 Video - 6 Challenges
Creating factories, adding associations between factories, and implementing factories in your tests



Pick up the fundamentals of testing a Rails application.


