Applied Business Negotiations

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 4-6 weeks

所在平台: Edx



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In this seven-week online course, you’ll work collaboratively in small teams to work through obstacles and challenges and hammer out a deal that benefits both sides of a negotiation.

You’ll meet with learners across the globe each week in a live, interactive negotiating session followed by written communications based on each session.

Throughout this experience, you will explore the legal, business, social, ethical, and political issues that can arise during a complex transaction. And you will become a more effective negotiator with a better understanding of how to achieve mutually beneficial results for both sides. In addition, you will advance your skills as you go, with immediate instructor feedback after each negotiation session. There will also be an opportunity for verified learners to participate in live working sessions with the instructor and other potential guest speakers and professionals who have mastered the art and science of effective negotiations.


Enrollment in this class requires the successful completion of the Introduction to Business Negotiations course on



Apply the negotiation skills you developed from our Introduction to Business Negotiations course and your own experiences by participating in virtual, live negotiations. Interact with small teams to tackle a real-world simulated business transaction.


