开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown
所在平台: CourseraArchive 课程类别: 人文 大学或机构: The Ohio State University(美国俄亥俄州立大学) 授课老师: Cynthia Selfe Ben McCorkle Susan Delagrange Scott Lloyd DeWitt Kay Halasek |
课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/writing2
Rhetorical Composing is a course where writers exchange words, ideas, talents, and support. You will be introduced to a variety of rhetorical concepts—that is, ideas and techniques to inform and persuade audiences—that will help you become a more effective consumer and producer of written, visual, and multimodal texts. The class includes short videos, demonstrations, and activities.
We envision Rhetorical Composing as a learning community that includes both those enrolled in this course and the instructors. We bring our expertise in writing, rhetoric and course design, and we have designed the assignments and course infrastructure to help you share your experiences as writers, students, and professionals with each other and with us. These collaborations are facilitated through WEx, The Writers Exchange, a place where you will exchange your work and feedbackThinking Rhetorically: Introducing Ourselves, Introducing
Responding Rhetorically: The Writers Exchange (WEx) and Peer
Arguing Rhetorically: Analyzing as a Means of Framing Argument
Seeing Rhetorically: Analyzing and Composing (with) Images
Researching Rhetorically: Composing with Sources in Evidence-based
Reflecting Rhetorically: Reflecting on, Reviewing, and Publishing
Your Work
Rhetorical Composing engages you in a series of interactive reading, research, and composing activities along with assignments designed to help you become more effective consumers and producers of alphabetic, visual and multimodal texts. Join us to become more effective writers... and better citizens.
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