Unethical Decision Making in Organizations

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 7 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 人文

大学或机构: University of Lausanne(洛桑大学)

授课老师: Guido Palazzo Ulrich Hoffrage

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/unethicaldecision


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Whenever we hear about ethical scandals, we tend to believe that unethical or illegal behavior in organizations is driven by character deficiencies of individual actors. Put differently, we simply assume that bad things are done by bad people (so-called bad apples). However, numerous corporate scandals, such as Enron, Ford, or Siemens, have demonstrated that even people with a high level of integrity can break the rules if they are put into a corrupt context. Good apples may become rotten in bad barrels. Regardless of their good intentions and strong values, individual actors might adapt to the unethical practices in their respective organizational context and, over time, lose the ability to see their wrongdoings. They become ethically blind. Such changes in people’s way of seeing the world and their value systems can occur in—and through—various organizational contexts in business, civil society, and public administration. This course is not about apples but about barrels and barrel makers. A better understanding of why and under what conditions good people make bad ethical decisions will enable us to better protect individuals as well as their respective organizations against the overwhelming power of the context. It will also enable us to cure societies from problems like corruption.

The goal of this course is to empower students to analyze the risks of unethical or illegal behavior that might be triggered by powerful contexts. It will draw from various disciplines such as management, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and literature, in order to learn what these disciplines contribute to a better understanding of unethical behavior. The course will also analyze some of the most eminent organizational scandals of the recent decades through the lenses of these disciplines.


Broad outline of the topics covered in the seminar:

  1. Introduction: Evil in ancient and modern thought
  2. Ethical decisions in organizations: Dealing with dilemma situations
  3. Making sense of unethical decisions in organizations – The Pinto case
  4. The power of frames: How people (mis)construct their world(s) – The Enron case
  5. The power of routines
  6. The power of strong situations
  7. The power of temporal dynamics
  8. The power of institutions
  9. The concept of ethical blindness
  10. The wind of change: How to fight ethical blindness



This course 'Unethical decision making in organizations : A seminar on the dark side of the force' will teach you how strong organizational contexts push good people towards unethical decisions. You will also learn how to protect yourself and your organization against such forces lurking in the dark.


