Subsistence Marketplaces

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 8 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 商业与管理学

大学或机构: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign( 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 - 香槟分校)

授课老师: Madhu Viswanathan



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The foundation for this course lies with unique synergies between pioneering research, teaching, and social initiatives for a decade and a half through the Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative. Unique to this approach is a bottom-up understanding of the intersection of poverty and the marketplace.



  • To develop an understanding of marketplace activity in the radically different context of subsistence where much of humanity resides and survives.
  • To design solutions that can be implemented by individuals, businesses, and social enterprises through economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable products for subsistence marketplaces

Classes and assignments are organized to achieve these objectives:

  • To develop an understanding of a radically different context a number of individual assignments include analyzing interviews of individuals living in poverty, completing an online poverty simulation, analyzing videos, and completing image-based immersion exercises.
  • To envision the role of businesses and social enterprises in such contexts assignments include developing a solution that addresses the needs of individuals and communities living at or near subsistence anywhere around the world.
Weekly Topics:
  1. Module I: Understanding Subsistence Marketplaces  
    1. Week 1: Introduction to Subsistence Marketplaces; Thinking in Subsistence Marketplaces
    2. Week 2: Feeling and Coping in Subsistence Marketplaces; Subsistence Consumers and Entrepreneurs
    3. Week 3: Exchanges and Relationships in Subsistence Marketplaces; Needs, Products, Relationships, and Markets in Subsistence Marketplaces
    4. Week 4: Gaining Marketplace Insights in Subsistence Marketplaces; Local Environments in Subsistence Marketplaces.
  2. Module II: Designing Solutions for Subsistence Marketplaces
    1. Week 5: Identifying and Understanding Need, Drivers, and Context Elements; Generating Ideas and Designing Solutions. 
    2. Week 6: Evaluating Solutions and Designing Ecosystems; Designing, Communicating, and Delivering the Value Proposition. 
    3. Week 7: Designing Elements of the Enterprise Plan—Case Study of Sun Oven.  Designing Elements of the Enterprise Plan—Case Study of Marketplace Literacy Project.  
    4. Week 8: Summary of Course.  Poster Session and Reflections.



This course aims to place knowledge about subsistence marketplaces into the hands and minds of those in different parts of the world that can and want to make a difference. The broader aim is for participants to consider the global challenge of poverty and envision a better world by designing solutions based on sound understanding.


