高级数据结构与算法 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 8 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: Peking University(北京大学)

授课老师: Ming Zhang

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/spdsalgo2


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这门课程将帮助学生学习如何运用高级数据结构和相关算法解决复杂的实际问题。 我们将深入学习排序、检索、索引、高级数据结构以及数据结构应用等内容。涉及快速排序、外排序等各种经典排序算法,集合、散列、位图等检索方法,B/B+树、Trie树等索引结构,广义表、多维数组等高级线性结构,AVL、红黑树、伸展树等平衡二叉树。 通过课程学习,大家的抽象思维能力、问题求解能力将得到较大提升,编程能力和代码质量会有质的飞跃!

This course will help students learn to use advanced data and algorithms to solve complex real-world problems. We will learn Sorting, Searching, Indexing, as well as their applications thoroughly. More detailed, these chapters include a variety of classic Sorting algorithms (Quicksort, External Sorting), Searching methods (Sets, Hash Tables, Bitmaps), Indexing structures (B/B+ trees, Trie trees), Advanced List-Structure (generalized lists, Multi-dimensional arrays) and Balanced Binary Trees (AVL, Red-Black trees, Splay trees). After studying this course, students will be well prepared for further study and research in engineering and other computer-related areas.



第一周 内排序(上)Lecture 1 Internal Sorting I
•    排序问题的基本概念 The Basic Concept of Sorting
•    插入排序 ( Shell 排序) Insertion Sort (Shell Sort)
•    选择排序 (堆排序) Selection Sort (Heap Sort)
•    交换排序(冒泡排序、快速排序)Exchange Sort (Bubble Sort, Quick Sort)

第二 内排序(下)Lecture 2 Internal Sorting II
•    归并排序 Merge Sort
•    桶排序  Bin Sort
•    静态基数排序  Static Radix Sort
•    链式基数排序  Linked Radix Sort
•    索引排序  Indexing Sort
•    排序算法的时间代价  The Complexity of Sorting

第三 文件与外排序 Lecture 3 File and External Sort
•    主存、外存、文件的组织 Main Memory, External Memory and File’s Architecture
•    外排序 External Sort

第四 检索 Lecture 4 Searching
•    检索的概念 The Concept of Searching
•    基于线性表的检索  Linear Searching
•    集合的检索  Set-based Searching
•    散列表的概念和散列函数 The Concept of Hash Table, Hash Function
•    散列冲突处理  Solving Hash Collision
•    散列的实现及性能分析 The Implementation of Hash Table and Its Complexity Analysis

第五 索引 Lecture 5 Indexing
•    静态索引 Static Indexing
•    倒排索引  Inverted Indexing
•    B树  B-Trees
•    B+树  B+-Trees
•    位索引技术  Bitmap Indexing
•    红黑树  Red-Black Tree

第六 高级数据结构(上——线性结构)Lecture 6 Advanced Data Structures I , List-Structure
•    多维数组  Multilists
•    广义表 Generalized Tables
•    存储管理 Memory Management

第七 高级数据结构(下——树形结构)Lecture 7 Advanced Data Structures II , Tree-Structure
•    Trie 树  Trie Trees
•    AVL树概念及插入算法 The AVL Tree and Its Inserting Algorithm
•    AVL树删除及性能分析 The Deletion of AVL Trees, Complexity Analysis
•    Splay树 Splay Tree

第八周 数据结构应用(不考核)Lecture 8 The application of Data Structures (Optional)



这门课程将帮助学生学习如何运用高级的数据结构和相关算法解决复杂的应用问题。 This course will help students learn how to apply advance data structures and algorithms solving complex real-world problems.


