粒子世界探秘 Exploring Particle World

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 10 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 物理与地球科学

大学或机构: Shanghai Jiao Tong University(上海交通大学)

授课老师: 季 向东

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/sjtujxdepw


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Exploring particle world is a introductory course offered by the department of physics and astronomy. The goal of particle physics is to study the elementary particles making up the world and their interactions. The development of particle physics changed our view of nature greatly in the past century. In this course, we will introduce the history of particle physics, main ideas and the most recent results of this subject. This course is an elective course for those students who might be interested in research in particle physics. It can also be useful for any undergraduate who have taken general physics courses and want to get an insight into the nature deeply.


第一周 物质与反物质

第二周 夸克和强相互作用

第三周 弱相互作用和中微子

第四周 对称性

第五周 粒子的质量和希格斯粒子

第六周 标准模型

第七周 粒子天体物理

第八周 暗物质和暗能量



粒子 量子力学 上海交大 交通大学 上海交通大学

