开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown
所在平台: CourseraArchive 课程类别: 人文 大学或机构: University of Maryland, College Park(马里兰大学学院园分校) 授课老师: Bernard Dov Cooperman |
课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/religionandtolerance
What social and ideological mechanisms allowed Jews to survive and even flourish in Catholic Italy? And under what circumstances did the practice of tolerance break down? This course takes a different approach to the idea of tolerance, as well as to the long, complicated history of the Catholic Church and the Jews.
Week 1: Toleration and Tolerance. The Birth of Judaism and Christianity in the Classical Context
Week 2: From Religious Sect to Christian Empire
Week 3: Christian Urban Culture & Crusading Armies. Jewish Merchants and Moneylenders. Mythological Monsters.
Week 4: Expulsions, Conversions & Ghettos,
Week 5: Modernization. Liberal Nationalism & Church Reaction
Week 6: From Fascism to the Holocaust
What social and ideological mechanisms allowed Jews to survive and even flourish in Catholic Italy? And under what circumstances did the practice of tolerance break down? This course takes a different approach to the idea of tolerance, as well as to the long, complicated history of the Catholic Church and the Jews.