Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 音乐,电影与音频

大学或机构: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校)

授课老师: Evan Feldman



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Leading a musical ensemble as a conductor is an art and craft that requires skills beyond being an excellent musician.  This course will teach an overview of these skills, including musical expression, rehearsal strategies, basic conducting techniques, and listening skills.  Students will learn good teaching practices for real-life situations and participate in “virtual teaching lab” exercises that will create unique opportunities to share ideas and techniques--and along the way support their fellow musicians.


This course will teach skills related to becoming a better conductor, teacher, and performer.  It will present practical approaches for improving diagnostic and interpretative skills and provide a  basic understanding of which rehearsal tools to put into practice in a variety of situations. 

The course will also include an overview of key topics such as:

  • Repertoire selection
  • Studying and analyzing music
  • Ear training
  • Conducting
  • Artistic collaboration
  • Modeling
  • Rehearsal planning.



Learn and practice the basic principles of running an effective music ensemble rehearsal. Techniques and strategies are applicable to a variety of ensembles, including bands, orchestras, choirs, and chamber groups.


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