Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 8 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 商业与管理学

大学或机构: Case Western Reserve University(凯斯西储大学)

授课老师: Richard Boyatzis



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Great leaders move us through our emotions. They establish a deep emotional connection with others called resonance. Their own levels of emotional intelligence allow them to create and nurture these resonant relationships. They use their EI as a path to resonant leadership through mindfulness, hope, compassion, and playfulness. Unfortunately, most people in leadership and helping positions (i.e., doctors, teachers, coaches, etc.) lose their effectiveness over time because of the cumulative damage from chronic stress. But humans can renew themselves, neurologically, hormonally, and emotionally.

Based on decades of research into emotional intelligence competencies and longitudinal studies of their development, the course will examine resonance and developing "resonant leadership" capability, emotional intelligence, and the experiences of mindfulness, hope, and compassion. Using the latest in neuroscience, behavioral, organizational and psychological research, participants will understand the theory, research, and experience of the Positive Emotional Attractor that is an essential beginning to sustained, desired change for individuals, teams, organizations and communities. 




Week 1: Class 1: Resonant Leadership and the neuroscience behind it

  • Module 1.1: What is great leadership?
  • Module 1.2: Resonant leaders create experiences with the people around them of Hope, Compassion, Mindfulness, and Playfulness
  • Module 1.3: The neuroscience of resonant leadership

 Week 1: Class 2: Renewal as an antidote to chronic stress

  • Module 2.1: Emotions are contagious
  • Module 2.2: Stress and renewal: becoming open to learning and change
  • Module 2.3: Strategies for renewal and building resonant relationships

 Week II: Class 3: Emotional Intelligence and its link to Leadership  

  • Module 3.1: Emotional, social, and cognitive intelligence competencies
  • Module 3.2: EI and SI in various fields of work and how they can be developed in school, at work and in life

Week II: Class 4: Inspiring and Motivating Sustained Development, Growth and Learning

  • Module 4.1: People who inspired you and Intentional Change Theory
  • Module 4.2: The Positive (PEA) and Negative Emotional Attractors (NEA)

 Week III: Class 5: Coaching with Compassion to Inspire Sustained Learning and Development

  • Module 5.1: Doctor/Patient, teacher/student and neurological evidence of coaching to the PEA     
  • Module 5.2: Survive and Thrive – Balancing the PEA and NEA
  • Module 5.3: Practicing conversations that inspire

Week IV: Class 6: Peer Coaching: With a Little Help from My Friends

  • Module 6.1: Reviewing and evaluating a Coaching with Compassion essay
  • Module 6.2: Assessing a Coaching with Compassion essay-- knowing what to look for in a good essay and coaching session

Week V: Class 7: Inspiring Change through Hope and Vision – Discovery #1 in ICT

  • Module 7.1: The battle between the Ideal Self and Ought Self
  • Module 7.2: Components of the Ideal Self/Personal Vision
  • Module 7.3: Developing your personal vision, including your life and career stage

Week V: Class 8: The Multi-Level Nature of Sustained, Desired Change

  • Module 8.1: Multi-Level Change: Resonant leadership and social identity groups  
  • Module 8.2: Developing Shared Vision Teams and Organizations
    • Module 8.3: Recent research on the impact of shared vision
    • Module 8.4: Team change (the Beatles versus Rolling Stones) and Developing Social Identity (Trekkers and Apple Users)

    Week Six: Class 9: The Real Self and Learning Agenda- Discoveries #2,3,4 in ICT

    • Module 9.1: The Real Self versus the Faux Self and a Learning Agenda (not a Performance Improvement Plan)
    • Module 9.2: Experimentation and Practice
    • Module 9.3: Review and Summary



Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership relationships. The Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors inspire sustained, desired change and learning at many levels.


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