Experimentation for Improvement

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 7 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 信息,技术与设计

大学或机构: McMaster University

授课老师: Kevin Dunn

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/experiments


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Would you like to:

  • improve the quality of drinking water;
  • make a stronger concrete or brick;
  • increase the sales from your store;
  • find the right combination of settings for your favourite recipe;
  • improve the quality of your company's product;
  • reduce waste;
  • minimize energy use?

No matter what your area of interest (and there are no limits to the applications!), it is clear: better experiments save time and money, and lead to improvement.

In this course we will learn to use efficient factorial experiments, fractional factorials and response surface methods. If these terms sound intimidating, don’t fear! We include a gentle introduction to basic statistical concepts, where required, throughout the course.

By the end of this 6-week course you will be able to design your own experimental program, changing multiple variables, and interpret the experimental data using simple tools, based on sound statistical principles. And you will quickly see how to make those improvements.

These tools and methods can be beneficial to solve the challenges you set for yourself above.


Week 1: Why experiment? We consider experiments that can improve processes in your life, and those of the people around you.
Examples and case studies of what can go wrong in an experiment. Demonstrations of how experiments should be run when changing two variables (factorial experiments).
Week 2: Full factorials in two variables and three variables. Including the study of categorical variables.
Week 3: Using least squares (regression) models to analyze data from factorial experiments.
Week 4: Half fractions, and fractional factorials; with real case studies and examples.
Week 5: Using response surface methods to optimize a system.
Week 6: Bring all the prior topics together; in-depth case studies.



We are constantly using experiments to tweak and find improvements in our personal lives, our communities, and in our work. But are you doing it efficiently? Or are you changing one thing at a time and hoping for the best? In this course, you'll learn how to plan efficient experiments using statistical methods - enabling you to test for many factors that lead to better results.


