e-Learning Ecologies

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 8 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 信息,技术与设计

大学或机构: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign( 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 - 香槟分校)

授课老师: William Cope Mary Kalantzis

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/elearning


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For three decades and more, we’ve heard educators and technologists making a case for the transformative power of technology in learning. However, despite the rhetoric, in many sites and many ways education is still relatively untouched by technology. Even when technologies are introduced, the changes sometimes seem insignificant and the results disappointing. If the print textbook is replaced by an e-book, do the social relations of knowledge and learning necessarily change, at all or for the better? If the pen-and-paper test is mechanized, does this change the nature of our assessment systems? Technology, in other words, need not necessarily bring significant change or even represent a step forward in education.


This course explores ‘seven affordances’ of e-learning ecologies which open out genuine possibilities for what we call a ‘New Learning’ – transformative, twenty-first century learning:

  1. Ubiquitous Learning
  2. Active Knowledge Making
  3. Multimodal Meaning
  4. Recursive Feedback
  5. Collaborative Intelligence
  6. Metacognition
  7. Differentiated Learning

These affordances, if recognized and harnessed, will prepare learners for success in  a world that is increasingly dominated by digital information flows, and tools for communication in the workplace, public spaces and personal life. This course offers a wide variety of examples of learning technologies and technology implementations that, to varying degrees, demonstrate these affordances in action.



Ubiquitous Learning: anywhere, anytime, anyhow

Bounded by the four walls of the classroom and cells of the timetable. (e.g. classroom-centered blended learning)

Spatio-Temporal Dimension

Active Knowledge Making: learner-as-knowledge producer; designing meanings

Passive knowledge Consumption; learner-as-knowledge consumer; absorbing/replicating meanings; (e.g. e-Textbooks)

Epistemic Dimension

Multimodal Meaning: new media texts, multimodal knowledge representations

Traditional “academic literacies” (e.g. isolated digital spaces)

Discursive Dimension

Recursive Feedback; formative assessment, prospective and constructive feedback; learning analytics

Retrospective judgment; managerialist focus on summative assessment (e.g. standardized machine assessments)

Evaluative Dimension

Collaborative Intelligence, knowledge you can use; peer-to-peer learning

Individualized (e.g. machine-teaching)

Social Dimension

Metacognition: thinking about thinking; mnemonic work

Single layered cognition; memory work (e.g. stuff to be e-learned: information, routines, definitions)

Cognitive Dimension

Differentiated Learning: each according to their interest and need

Homogenizing, one-size-fits-all curriculum (e.g. self-paced e-textbooks, week-by-week learning management systems)

Comparative Dimension



An introduction to innovative approaches to learning and teaching, with a focus on the use of e-learning and social web technologies.


