American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 8 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 人文

大学或机构: University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学)

授课老师: John L. Puckett Michael Charles Johanek



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Since 1983 and the National Commission on Educational Excellence’s publication of A Nation at Risk, education reform has been a national preoccupation, marked by a succession of reform strategies and plethoric innovations.  Catchphrases such as “reforming again and again,” “waves [or cycles] of reform,” and (more cynically) “spinning wheels” and “policy churn” capture the persistence and frenetic nature of contemporary education reform.  

This course provides a survey of the history of American education reform from the colonial period to the present.  Through an examination of the forces that have shaped our national discourse about educational change, we seek to answer the following questions: What visions, rationales, and assumptions guided education reformers in the past? What social forces spurred particular reforms and counter-reforms? How did the American curriculum adapt to changing times and how are contemporary reforms fundamentally different or similar to earlier efforts to revitalize public schools? What conceptual lenses does this history provide for understanding schooling and school reform on a global level?


Week 1:  The Colonial Period and Early Republic
Introduction to the MOOC, Education in a New World, Literacy in the Colonial Period, Institutions of Colonial Education, Schooling in the Early Republic, Early Republic Proponents of Common Schools, Benjamin Franklin’s Academy

Week 2:  The National Period
The National Market Economy, the Second Great Awakening, Social Innovations of the National Period, the Common School Movement, Horace Mann: Avatar of Common Schools, Protestants and Catholics in the Arena, Education of African Americans and Native Americans, Secondary Schooling (the Academy)

Week 3:  The Postbellum Period
Introduction, Expansion of the Common School, Education of African Americans in the Reconstruction South, Industrial Education in the South’s Organic Society, Jim Crow and the Radical Segregation of African Americans, Boarding Schools for Native Americans, Rise of the American High School

Week 4:  The Progressive Era 
Progressive Seedbeds of Education Reform, Rise of the Administrative Progressives in American School Reform, the Psychological Testing Movement, Social Efficiency Schooling, the Committee of Ten, Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education, the Southern Education Movement, Rosenwald Schools and County Training Schools

Week 5:  John Dewey and the Pedagogical Progressives
The Laboratory School of the University of Chicago, Dewey’s Theory of Knowledge, Dewey’s Idea of the School as a Social Center, Dewey: Missing in Action, the Pedagogical Progressives, a Neo-Deweyan Critique of the Pedagogical Progressives

Week 6:  The Depression Era
The Great Depression and a New Deal for America’s Youth, High Schools in Hard Times, Social Reconstruction and the Schools, Antecedents to Community Schools: Social Centers and Community Centers, Nambé Community School, Arthurdale Community School, Leonard Covello’s Community High School in East Harlem

Week 7:  Post-World War II
The Cold War: McCarthyism and the Public Schools, Waging the Cold War in Schools: Federal Support for Academic Rigor, “Radical Romanticists” of the 1960s, Education and the Civil Rights Movement: From Plessy to Brown, the Last Hurrah of Jim Crow Schools, Busing Goes North: The Limits of Racial Integration, Community Control and Teacher Unions, Title IX and the “Hidden Injuries of Class”

Week 8:  Post-1983
The Expanded Federal Role in Education: From the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) to A Nation at Risk (1983), Ramping Up Reform: The Rise of Standards and Accountability, No Child Left Behind: Still Leaving Children Behind?, Charter Schools, School Choice Run Amok: Diverse Providers and Portfolio Management Models



Discover what shapes how we talk about schools today by exploring the history of U.S. education reform. Engage with the main actors, key decisions, and major turning points in this history. See how social forces drive reform. Learn about how the critical tensions embedded in U.S. education policy and practice apply to schools nationally, globally— and where you live.


