On Strategy: What Managers can learn from Philosophy - Part 2

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 3 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 人文

大学或机构: École Centrale Paris(巴黎中央理工学院)

授课老师: Luc de Brabandere

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/businessandphilo2


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This entire MOOC is based on one of my strongest beliefs: philosophy is the best tool to help managers in areas where no numbers are available. After all a strategic vision is an "idea", it is translated into a "concept", a business model is a … "model" etc. And we need to better understand what is an idea, what is a concept, what is a model etc. In other words we need to better understand how do we think. In the first six lectures we made a surprising journey from the ancient Greek philosophers to the corporate world of today. You probably crossed a set of "new territories" but honestly, it was the same for me !

Apparently this experience has no end in sight! The first six lectures are broadcasted for a second time during this fall and I had the chance to record three additional lectures last September. Not a surprise: philosophy is like a country you want to visit, there are always new roads to discover and even new paths to create. It is highly recommended to have attended lectures 1-6 to take the most out of this part 2.

In lecture 7, I examine the deep nature of the changes the world is currently facing and the associated challenges for us. Lecture 8 focus on one of them: the impact of technology on the way we think. In the last lecture I suggest some tips that might help you to become a better manager, in other words to become a corporate philosopher.

Evaluations will be similar to the ones you had so far: open questions that request some research. At the end of lecture 9, I will again ask you to submit a short paper about a famous quote of a great philosopher.

Moreover, we will organize a Google Hangout during lecture 8.


Lecture 7: The Essence of Change
7.1 The end of...
7.2 You need a fixed point
7.3 Philosophy as a fixed point
7.4 Two first challenges
7.5 Another center of gravity
7.6 The four causes of Aristotle
7.7 'A thus B' or 'A and B'

Lecture 8: Is technology making us stupid?
8.1 Four types of tools
8.2 The disappointing equation
8.3 A third example: Big Data
8.4 The end of Science?
8.5 Question what is in front of you
8.6 Who is the tool of who?

Lecture 9: Become a corporate philosopher!
9.1 Use the right words
9.2 Use criteria
9.3 Beware the question
9.4 Use creativity techniques
9.5 Think visual
9.6 Never stop thinking
9.7 Embrace humor



Part 2 of the MOOC: 3 new lectures


