开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks
所在平台: CourseraArchive 课程类别: 音乐,电影与音频 大学或机构: University of Rochester(罗切斯特大学) 授课老师: John Covach |
课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/course/beatles
The Music of the Beatles will track the musical development of the band, starting from the earliest days in Liverpool and Hamburg, moving through the excitement of Beatlemania, the rush of psychedelia, and the musical maturity of Abbey Road.
Week One: Early days and success in the UK. The Beatles as pop craftsmen. Study of cover versions at Cavern and Hamburg shows, Please Please Me, With the Beatles, and the singles from this period.
Week Two: Success in America and the world. The Beatles begin to move toward the artist model. Music from the two movies, A Hard Day's Night and Help!, Beatles For Sale, and singles from this period. From this point on we will closely follow particular authorship of songs, keeping track of John, Paul, and George as individual songwriters.
Week Three: Pop maturity. Increased experimentation, still mostly within the context of the pop single. The increasingly important role of the recording studio and recording techniques and innovations. Rubber Soul, Revolver, and singles from this period.
Week Four: Psychedelia. The artist model in full bloom. The rise of importance of the album and idea-driven projects. "Penny Lane," "Strawberry Fields," Sgt. Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, and other singles from this period, including the tracks that would end up on Yellow Submarine.
Week Five: A co-op of singer-songwriters. The White Album both begins a return to roots while also continuing the musical experimentation of the earlier music, but now each song is less of a group effort. Creative differences arise. The White Album and singles from this period.
Week Six: Once there was a way to get back home. The Get Back sessions embrace a return-to-simplicy approach but are aborted. Abbey Road attempts to get back to the band's previous manner of working. Let It Be combines material from Get Back with newly recorded tracks. Abbey Road, Let It Be, and singles from this period.