Android Capstone Project

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 其他类别

大学或机构: University of Maryland, College Park(马里兰大学学院园分校)

授课老师: Adam Porter Douglas C. Schmidt



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The Mobile Cloud Computing with Android (MoCCA) Specialization comprises three content area MOOCs plus a final Capstone MOOC. Projects in the Capstone MOOC give Signature Track students who passed all previous MOOCs in the MoCCA Specialization “with Distinction” an opportunity to integrate and demonstrate the knowledge they've acquired across the three earlier content area MOOCs. The MoCCA Capstone MOOC will offer students multiple projects to choose from. Each project will be described by a lightweight project specification. Each student will select one project to implement and will be expected to complete it over roughly eight weeks working roughly 8-12 hours per week (though students are free to devote as much time as they’d like to the project).


The capstone will require students to develop a complex mobile cloud computing application from the ground up. Grading will be done via a mix of automated grading and peer assessment. The capstone project will first be run once. If it is successful, it will be run multiple times.



This Capstone MOOC gives Signature Track students who passed all previous MOOCs in the MoCCA Specialization “with Distinction” an opportunity to integrate and demonstrate the knowledge they've acquired across the three earlier content area MOOCs.


