A Voice of Their Own. Women's Spirituality in the Middle Ages.

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 其他类别

大学或机构: CourseraNew

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/archive/womens-spirituality


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Have you ever heard about medieval mysticism or medieval heresies? Have you ever wondered about the particular role women played in medieval spirituality? Do Hildegard of Bingen, Clare of Assisi, Marguerite Porete, the Cathar ladies or Isabel de Villena ring a bell? Have you ever felt like you wanted to know more about them? If your answer to any of these questions was yes, then this MOOC, A voice of their own. Women’s spirituality in the Middle ages is what you were looking for. A Voice of their own is much more than a course. It is an invitation to follow the paths traced by the spiritual experiences of medieval women. It is a challenge that, should you let it, will take you to places where you will see and hear things that will astonish you. Here you will find medieval women playing a major role in the spiritual transformations of the Middle Ages, founding monastic movements and orders, writing about their experiences, traveling the roads of Europe to spread their ideas, creating spiritual landscapes, as well as both material an intangible architectures. In this MOOC, these women will speak to you from the past, and you'll see that their voices still hold great validity in the present.

他们自己的声音。中世纪妇女的灵性:您是否听说过中世纪的神秘主义或中世纪的异端?您是否曾经想过女性在中世纪灵性中扮演的特殊角色? Bingen的Hildegard,Assisi的Clare,Marguerite Porete,Catha女士或Isabel de Villena会打铃吗?您是否曾经想过要了解更多关于它们的信息?如果您对这些问题中的任何一个的回答是“是”,那么本MOOC就是他们自己的声音。您一直在寻找中世纪女性的灵性。 拥有自己的声音不仅仅是一门课程。这是走中世纪妇女的精神经历所追寻的道路的邀请。如果您愿意的话,这将是一个挑战,它将把您带到您将看到和听到令人惊讶的事物的地方。在这里,您会发现中世纪的女性在中世纪的精神转型中起着重要作用,建立修道院的运动和秩序,撰写她们的经历,在欧洲的道路上传播其思想,创造精神景观,以及两者都无形的体系结构。在本MOOC中,这些女性将过去与您交谈,您会发现她们的声音在现在仍然很有效。


This Unit focuses on the world of medieval nunneries from the Early to the Late Middle Ages. Here you will find the early varied forms of monasticism and also the well-established orders of the end of the medieval period. You will learn about enclosure, about life in nunneries and about the men and women who helped found and support them for their own purposes.



Have you ever heard about medieval mysticism or medieval heresies? Have you ever wondered about the


