Value and Individual Decision Making

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: It will take between 5-10 hours a week for about six weeks to master the content.

所在平台: Coursera



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课程名称:价值与个人决策 概述:本课程是“社会商业生命周期战略与金融”专项中的一部分,旨在介绍货币的时间价值,帮助学习者了解金融的基础知识,以从社会角度评估公司价值。这一现代决策框架的美在于,它可以用于各个层面的价值创造理解——无论是个人、企业还是非营利组织,甚至是全球社会。然而,随着视角的扩大,从个人到企业/非营利组织再到全球社会,应用的复杂性随之增加。因此,本专项将集中于个人及实体(初创公司或成熟公司)的决策中,使用理解价值创造的框架和工具。 决策的两个基本要素是货币的时间价值和风险。在第一门课程中,我们将介绍个人决策的货币时间价值,以探讨和衡量我们决策的价值。在第二门课程中,我们将用相同的框架来评估企业的决策,以创造价值。我们将认识到,从多个利益相关者的角度评估价值的复杂性。此外,鼓励大家从社会的角度思考,因为这正是社会商业和私人企业之间的区别。评估社会影响和价值本质上是复杂的,因为市场价格通常并不适用所有的利益和成本。 尽管是入门课程,但这门课将使每位学习者能够理解和分析他们日常面临的许多决策。如果你希望提高自己的金融技能,以做出更好的个人决策,这门课将非常有帮助。 本课程大纲: 1. 模块1:社会商业的必要性、价值及其复杂性与挑战——旨在帮助希望推动或创建社会商业以及利用现代框架和工具理解价值创造的学习者。 2. 模块2:专项与课程概述——介绍专项的设计,强调学习现代金融工具对个人、企业和社会商业决策的应用。 3. 模块3:货币时间价值的术语——专注于货币时间价值的基本概念及简单应用,关注未来价值。 4. 模块4:货币时间价值的简单应用——涉及当前价值的概念,解决与日常生活相关的例子。 5. 模块5:货币时间价值——年金——深入更复杂的财务概念及应用。 6. 模块6:货币时间价值的复杂应用——理解借贷的实际运作,并通过Excel展示学习成果。 总结:本课程将带领学习者逐步掌握货币时间价值的基本原理及其在个人决策中的应用,最终为理解社会商业的决策复杂性打下基础。希望通过这一学习过程,学习者能够更好地评估、理解并创造社会商业。


Part: 1

Title:Module 1: The Need for, and the Value of, Social Business and the Complexity and the Challenges of Creating Them

Description:The Specialization is part of a program designed for an audience interested in working for, or creating, social businesses and anyone who wants to use modern frameworks and tools to understand how value is created for an individual, a company and social business. Since social businesses take on inherently more complex missions - by design, they are set up to address social issues - the task of understanding and evaluating opportunities aimed at addressing social issues requires a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of modern frameworks and tools. Arguably, all businesses try and impact society. This is the main reason why the Specialization has both analytical rigor and real-world applicability. My hope is that by the end of the Specialization we will be ready to evaluate, understand, and even create social businesses. This is a journey that will start with value to an individual and then gradually understand value created by regular businesses and, finally, tackle value creation by a social business. We will however not wait till the end of the Specialization to start thinking seriously about how social businesses are distinct from regular businesses. The good news is that you have already been exposed to a great course on social business – with world-known experts sharing their views, followed by an engaging and framework-based approach to consider how to identify a social problem and then develop an approach to addressing it using a multi-stakeholder approach. To motivate folks to understand the complexity of evaluating a social business, I will start by sharing some publicly available articles on what popular thinking is about social business, on how to measure social value and some real-world examples. I will do so gradually over the four courses, without testing, but with reflection exercises built in at the beginning and the end of each course. I have managed the Social Venture Fund (SVF) at the University of Michigan for over a decade now and we evaluate and invest in social businesses. I also recently launched the International Investment Fund (IIF) in India that evaluates, supports and invests in small- and medium-sized businesses. I will share cases written by me and my students related to this work, but please do not distribute them. The purpose of the reflection exercises is meant for you to gradually gain exposure to the complexities of social businesses and measuring social value. You are not expected to be able to value the businesses described in the cases, but to keep them in mind and reflect on the frameworks and tools you are introduced to and their applicability to decision-making in social businesses. While you will not be tested on specifics in the reflection portions of this Specialization, maintaining a personal journal on important issues throughout the Specialization will really help so you prepare for the challenging work on the project on a social business following successful completion of the Specialization. You will hopefully realize that the framework and tools provided in the Specialization will not only help you in any business, but also are the same for a social business. You will hopefully realize that, at the end of the day, it is all about intent and what you produce/provide and to whom and how. And what is readily measurable and verifiable may be one of the key differences between a regular and a truly social business – everything, eventually, is about quantity times price of what you have to offer. Most businesses focus on producing goods and services that have readily available markets and therefore prices. Perhaps the key difference in understanding and managing a social business versus a regular business is its focus on issues beyond an individual and a desire to provide goods and services that are not priced and therefore rewarded by free markets because they benefit society and cannot be captured by corporations. This, in turn, makes a social business all the more challenging to create and manage.

Part: 2

Title:Module 2: Overview of Specialization & Course

Description:Now that you have been exposed to many thoughtful and detailed discussions of social business and examples of the same you are hopefully ready to get started with the Specialization. This module contains detailed videos and syllabi of both the Specialization and the first course. This Specialization has been designed to enable you to learn and apply the powerful tools of modern finance to personal, corporate and social businesses. In fact, this frameworks and tools can be applied to decision-making in any context, including nonprofit and governmental initiatives to tackle the simplest to most challenging issues we confront individually or collectively. The courses within progress linearly and build on each other and it is important for you to get an understanding of why this Specialization may be relevant to any context. Please review the videos and syllabi as they will give you a sense of the Specialization and how this specific course fits within. My teaching style and philosophy are also presented to you (hopefully) in sufficient detail. I believe education is the key to addressing the challenges that we face across the globe and I have prepared a video expressing my passion and belief in education. Most importantly, all this content is meant to give you enough information to enable you to make a decision about whether you want to take this Specialization, or this course by itself. To make sure you have the social lens in mind, we have also created a course that focuses on social business that you must take before this Specialization. This will hopefully make you think about what a social business looks like and, importantly, how it differs from standard business. A deeper realization of this can only occur when you are able to recognize how value is created by regular businesses. This will be a slow process and will start happening after the second course and hopefully the understanding will deepen by the end of this Specialization so that you are ready to work on a social business.

Part: 3

Title:Module 3: Time Value of Money - Some Terminology

Description:Since the frameworks and tools created in the multidisciplinary field of modern business education apply to any context, we will devote the entire first course to understanding the building block of time value of money (TVM) using applications that involve individual decision making. This is also the simplest context to learn modern frameworks and tools because it is easiest one - with one person's perspective dominating value creation. In this first module, we introduce the framework of time value of money (TVM) in a carefully structured way, with a focus on Future Value using relatively simple applications. As mentioned in the Syllabus, all concepts are introduced using examples and you are strongly encouraged to pause the videos and do every problem.

Part: 4

Title:Module 4: Time Value of Money - Simple Applications

Description:In this module, we build on the content presented in the previous module and move to the much more often used concept of Present Value. We again use simple examples, focusing on situations we confront on a daily basis. All concepts are introduced using examples that you need to do yourself to stay on top of the concepts. The second week also provides you an opportunity to test your knowledge up to this point with a required submission of the first graded assignment.

Part: 5

Title:Module 5: Time Value of Money - Annuities

Description:During this module, we will progress to more complex concepts and applications of finance.

Part: 6

Title:Module 6: Time Value of Money - Complex Applications

Description:This module ends the course with relatively complex applications of finance. We spend a lot of time on understanding how borrowing and lending really works. You will also get an opportunity to test your understanding of the basic principles of time value of money by submitting the second assignment for the course. You will also learn how top use Excel and show your competence in doing so.



## 探索《价值与个人决策》课程:社会商业时代的金融框架 在当今经济迅速发展的背景下,金融知识的掌握似乎已成为每个人的必修课。最近,我在Coursera上发现了一门非常有趣且实用的在线课程——《价值与个人决策》(Value and Individual Decision Making)。这门课程作为“社会商业生命周期战略与金融”专业的一部分,重点介绍了时间价值的概念,旨在帮助学习者从个人的角度理解金融的基本原理,以及如何从社会的视角来评估企业的价值。接下来,我将详细回顾这门课程的内容,并分享我个人的学习体会,推荐给有志于提升自身金融素养的朋友们。 ### 课程概述 《价值与个人决策》课程的核心是时间价值的关键概念,这不仅是个人决策的重要基础,还为了解企业和社会商业的价值创造提供了有力支持。课程通过深入探讨个人在决策过程中如何理解和量化价值,为学习者提供一种清晰而逻辑的思维框架。这种框架的美妙之处在于,无论是个人、企业还是非营利组织,其应用都极具普遍性和适用性。但随着视角的扩展,理解价值创造的复杂性也随之增加。 #### 课程大纲 课程分为多个模块,每个模块都围绕时间价值的不同方面进行深入探讨: 1. **模块1:社会商业的必要性及其价值**: 这一模块帮助我们理解社会商业因其复杂性而独特的价值创造过程。我们将探讨社会商业与传统业务之间的差异,以及如何使用现代框架来评估社会问题。 2. **模块2:专业化与课程概述**: 学习者将在此模块中了解整个专业的结构和内容,和如何将现代金融工具应用于个人、企业及社会商业的决策中。 3. **模块3-6:时间价值的深入理解与应用**: 这几个模块将逐步带领学习者深入理解时间价值的基本概念,包括简单应用、年金以及更复杂的金融应用。通过案例和练习,学生能够加深对金融原则的理解。 ### 学习收获 这门课程不仅适合金融专业的学生,任何希望提升个人财务决策能力的人都能从中受益。特别是对于那些对社会商业感兴趣的人来说,本课程提供了一种全新的视角,使我们能够思考如何在追求经济效益的同时,兼顾社会责任。 - **逻辑与思维框架**:通过对时间价值的深刻理解,我发现自己能够更清晰地分析日常决策。无论是投资、消费还是储蓄,掌握了时间价值的原则后,我可以更加自信地做出理性的选择。 - **社会影响的辨析**:课程强调了从社会角度看待企业价值的重要性,这让我思考个人决策对社会的潜在影响。在未来的经济活动中,这种跨界的思维方式无疑将极大地增强我的竞争力。 ### 推荐理由 非常推荐这门课程给所有希望提升金融知识、想要进入社会商业领域的学习者。随着社会商业的崛起,理解如何评估社会影响和创造价值的能力将成为不可或缺的技能。无论是个人发展,还是职业规划,这门课程都将为您提供坚实的理论基础和实践指导。 总的来说,《价值与个人决策》不仅仅是一门课程,更是一扇通向理解金融、决定价值创造与社会影响的重要窗口。希望更多人能够加入这个学习的行列,共同探索如何在这个复杂多变的世界中做出明智的决策!


