3D Printing Capstone

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: 未知

所在平台: Coursera

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/learn/3d-printing-capstone


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The capstone will integrate the learning acquired from the four courses in the 3D Printing Specialization through a hands-on project. This project will enable you to turn an idea into an object using the knowledge and skills acquired through the other courses. Specifically, you will be guided through a step-by-step process in which you imagine, design, make, and share a 3D printed object. Thus, through this capstone, you will be able to put course concepts into action and utilize the skills that you have acquired throughout the Specialization. In addition, you will be able to obtain an actual 3D print of the object you design at a discounted price through our corporate partners, 3D Hubs and Shapeways. If you enjoy this business course and are interested in an MBA, consider applying to the iMBA, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price offered by the University of Illinois. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and onlinemba.illinois.edu.


Name:Module 1 Origins of Desktop 3D Printing

Description:Throughout the 3D printing sequence, you have learned about the value that 3D printing adds to the world within education, the maker movement, manufacturing, business, and more. This module will reflect upon some of those pieces and build upon them with examples of disruption, and how 3D printing is changing the world of manufacturing and product development..

Name:Module 2 Problem Solving with 3D Printing

Description:The world is full of challenges and problems that need to be solved. Oftentimes, many issues get completely overlooked due to the market size being relatively small in comparison to the rest of the world. These marginalized issues are left without solutions, but with the advent of 3D printing, we have an opportunity to solve many of these issues.

Name:Module 3 Design and Development

Description:Creating an idea that is designed for 3D printing is often more difficult than it may seem. There are many considerations to be made, and this module is an opportunity for you to explore those ideas further though DFAM (Design for Additive Manufacturing).

Name:Module 4 Process and Production

Description:To finish out the capstone course, let's look back a bit at the hardware course and consider some implications of your design and printing process. Even the best designs may be difficult to implement if print speeds are not appropriate for the throughput needed, or if material properties are not able to match the requirements of the application. Let's look closer at assessing these options in 3D printing.



顶点将通过动手项目整合从 3D 打印专业的四门课程中获得的学习。该项目将使您能够使用通过其他课程获得的知识和技能将一个想法变成一个对象。具体来说,您将被引导完成想象、设计、制作和共享 3D 打印对象的分步过程。因此,通过这个顶点,您将能够将课程概念付诸实践,并利用您在整个专业化过程中获得的技能。此外,您将能够通过我们的企业合作伙伴 3D Hubs 和 Shapeways 以折扣价获得您设计的对象的实际 3D 打印。如果您喜欢这门商业课程并且对 MBA 感兴趣,可以考虑申请 iMBA,这是一个灵活的、完全认可的在线 MBA,价格极具竞争力,由伊利诺伊大学提供。有关更多信息,请参阅本课程的资源页面和 onlinemba.illinois.edu。


3D 打印顶点

