How to Apply to College

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: CourseraNew



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How to Apply to College will empower learners of all backgrounds to demystify and better understand the college search and selection process, combining the expertise of an Ivy League admissions office and a leading college access and success organization. Led by expert educators, including Eric J. Furda, Dean of Admissions at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Sean Vereen, President of Steppingstone Scholars, Inc., this free course will help students, family members, college counselors and any inquisitive learner to navigate each stage from the start of the college search process through the transition into a college environment. Through dialogue with students applying to and currently in college as well as campus advocates, How to Apply to College also aims to close the information gap for students who may be the first in their family to attend college and students who are underrepresented in higher education. A range of video and web resources are provided through a collaboration with a number of educational partners including The Common Application, with nearly 700 colleges on the application platform, and, which provides a new way for high school students to earn money for college starting in 9th grade based on their achievements in school and life. Other resources and tools featured in the course include Naviance, College Greenlight, College Scorecard, BigFuture by the College Board, College and Pell Abacus, ZeeMee and Federal Student Aid.

如何申请大学:如何申请大学将结合常春藤盟校招生办公室和领先的大学录取与成功组织的专业知识,使所有背景的学习者都能了解和更好地理解大学的搜索和选择过程。该免费课程由专家教育家带领,包括宾夕法尼亚大学招生学院院长Eric J. Furda和Steppingstone Scholars,Inc.总裁Sean Vereen博士,它将为学生,家庭成员,大学辅导员和任何好奇的学习者提供帮助从大学搜索过程的开始到过渡到大学环境,以浏览每个阶段。 通过与申请大学和目前在校的学生以及校园拥护者进行对话,“如何申请大学”还旨在弥补可能是家庭中第一个上大学的学生和高等教育中代表性不足的学生的信息鸿沟。 通过与众多教育合作伙伴的合作,提供了一系列视频和Web资源,其中包括The Common Application和应用程序平台上的近700所大学,以及,Raise.me为高中学生提供了一种赚钱的新途径根据他们在学校和生活中取得的成就从9年级开始上大学。本课程中介绍的其他资源和工具包括Naviance,College Greenlight,College Scorecard,College Board,College and Pell Abacus,ZeeMee和Federal Student Aid的BigFuture。


This module provides an introduction to the course and overview of the college application process , financial aid, and why college matters. Dr. Vereen will discuss the range of two-year to four-year colleges and levels of selectivity will be discussed to better understand potential college options for students.



How to Apply to College will empower learners of all backgrounds to demystify and better understand


如何申请大学 申请大学 大学

