Natural Language Processing (CourseraArchive) 7 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 10 weeks 主页: 简介: Have you ever wondered how to build a system that automatically translates between languages? Or a system that can understand natural language instructions from a human? This class will cover the fundamentals of mathematical and computational models of language, and the application of these models to key problems in natural language processing. |
Algorithms, Part I (CourseraArchive) 6 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks 主页: 简介: This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations. Part I covers basic iterable data types, sorting, and searching algorithms. |
Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 (CourseraArchive) 5 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks 主页: 简介: In this course you will learn several fundamental principles of algorithm design: divide-and-conquer methods, graph algorithms, practical data structures (heaps, hash tables, search trees), randomized algorithms, and more. |
Algorithms (Udacity) 1 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 自主 主页: 简介: Ever played the Kevin Bacon game? This class will show you how it works by giving you an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms, enabling you to discover how individuals are connected. |
Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 (CourseraArchive) 4 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks 主页: 简介: In this course you will learn several fundamental principles of advanced algorithm design: greedy algorithms and applications; dynamic programming and applications; NP-completeness and what it means for the algorithm designer; the design and analysis of heuristics; and more. |
Algorithms, Part II (CourseraArchive) 5 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks 主页: 简介: This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations. |
Analysis of Algorithms (CourseraArchive) 1 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks 主页: 简介: This course teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial structures. In addition, this course covers generating functions and real asymptotics and then introduces the symbolic method in the context of applications in the analysis of algorithms and basic structures such as permutations, trees, strings, words, and mappings. |
Analytic Combinatorics (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 6 weeks 主页: 简介: Analytic Combinatorics teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial structures. This course introduces the symbolic method to derive functional relations among ordinary, exponential, and multivariate generating functions, and methods in complex analysis for deriving accurate asymptotics from the GF equations. |
Python (Coursera专项课程) 5 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: free 主页: 简介: 课程名称:Python 课程概述:本课程将教授Python的基础知识以及动态编程的概念。学生将学习编程的基本原理,掌握Python作为一种通用编程语言的特性,以及动态编程的应用。 学习目标: - 理解编程的基本概念 - 掌握Python语言的语法与用法 - 学习动态编程的基本技巧和应用场景 该课程适合初学者,无需任何编程背景。 |
Introduction to Computer Science (Udacity) 6 个评论 关注 开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 自主 主页: 简介: In this course you will learn key concepts in computer science and learn how to write your own computer programs in the context of building a web crawler. |