
不疯魔,不成活。 孤独是宿命10000h=1000d=two and a half y=two y maybe shorter life is such an adventure 不想当大魔王的人类不是好天使

河南 开封


向太阳的神隐Monster 的课程评论


向太阳的神隐Monster 关注的课程

Financial Markets and Investment Strategy Specialization (Coursera专项课程) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 05/18/2022 持续时间: Approximately 6 months to complete Suggested pace of 3 hours/week

主页: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/investment-strategy

简介: 金融市场和投资策略专项课程系列(Financial Markets and Investment Strategy Specialization) ,该系列包含4门子课程和1门毕业项目课程,涵盖金融基础,金融市场介绍,资产和风险管理,投资行为,投资策略等,感兴趣的同学可以关注:Manage your Investments Professionally-Manage your investments portfolio using modern theory of portfolio management

Python for Everybody Specialization (Coursera专项课程) 1 个评论 关注

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 8 months to complete Suggested pace of 3 hours/week

主页: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/python

简介: 密歇根大学零基础Python入门专项课程系列(Python for Everybody Specialization), 这个系列包含4个子课程和1个毕业项目课程,包括Python入门,Python数据结构, 使用Python获取网络数据(Python爬虫), 在Python中使用数据库以及Python数据可视化等。这个系列是Coursera上很多同学的首选Python入门课程,感兴趣的同学可以关注:Learn to Program and Analyze Data with Python-Develop programs to gather, clean, analyze, and visualize data.

機器學習基石上 (Machine Learning Foundations)---Mathematical Foundations (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/archive/ntumlone-mathematicalfoundations

简介: 台湾大学林轩田老师的 機器學習基石上 (Machine Learning Foundations)—Mathematical Foundations。如果有一定的基础或者学完了Andrew Ng老师的机器学习课程,这门机器学习基石上-数学基础可以作为进阶课程。林老师早期推出的两门机器学习课程口碑和难度均有:机器学习基石 和 机器学习技法 ,现在重组为上和下,非常值得期待

Supply Chain Management Specialization (Coursera专项课程) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 6 months to complete Suggested pace of 3 hours/week

主页: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/supply-chain-management

简介: 供应链管理专项课程(Supply Chain Management-Master the Fundamentals: Logistics, Operations, Planning, Sourcing, and Strategy), 这个系列包含5门供应链相关的子课程,涵盖供应链物流,供应链运营,供应链计划,供应链采购,供应链管理策略

Machine Learning Specialization (Coursera专项课程) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 7 months to complete Suggested pace of 3 hours/week

主页: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/machine-learning

简介: 华盛顿大学机器学习专项课程系列(Machine Learning Specialization),这个系列课程包含4门子课程,分别是 机器学习基础:案例研究 , 机器学习:回归 , 机器学习:分类, 机器学习:聚类与检索,感兴趣的同学可以关注: Build Intelligent Applications-Master machine learning fundamentals in four hands-on courses.

Model Thinking (CourseraArchive) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

主页: https://www.coursera.org/archive/model-thinking

简介: 模型思维是Coursera上的老牌课程,评价非常不错,感兴趣的同学可以关注。We live in a complex world with diverse people, firms, and governments whose behaviors aggregate to

Academic English: Writing Specialization (Coursera专项课程) 0 个评论 关注

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 6 months to complete Suggested pace of 4 hours/week

主页: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/academic-english

简介: 学术英语写作专项课程系列(Academic English: Writing Specialization),这是Coursera上最受欢迎的英文写作课程系列,包含4个子课程和1个毕业项目课程,涵盖语法和标点符号用法,英语写作初步,英语写作高阶,学术研究论文写作,研究论文写作项目,感兴趣的同学可以关注: Transform Your Writing Skills-Prepare for college-level writing and research in just four courses.
