Social Epidemiology

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 健康与社会

大学或机构: University of Minnesota(美国明尼苏达大学)

授课老师: Michael Oakes


课程评论: 2 个评论

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This course is about understanding the determinants of health from a broad perspective. We focus on how social relationships and institutions -- such as familial relationships, national policies, and global economic forces -- promote or undermine the health of populations. The course covers existing evidence of health disparities, research methods, and theories relevant to the topic.

The course is interesting because it reveals the so-called fundamental causes of disease and health disparities recognizable within social groups. For example, we examine why a flu germ can affect whole groups of people differently. In short, the course challenges the notion that health is a narrowly defined medical problem.

Students in the course will listen to lectures, read provided materials, and complete quizzes and tests that examine comprehension and one's ability to synthesize ideas.

Upon completion of the course students should:

  • have a deep appreciation for how social arrangements impact the health of populations,
  • be able to critically evaluate the scientific and popular health literature that address the causes of disease,
  • be able to measure key social drivers such as race and socioeconomic status, and 
  • be able to conceive of research strategies that can answer questions critical for policy making.


Week 1:  Background and History
What is social epidemiology and where did it come from? What is different about it?

Week 2: Issues
What are the fundamental issues (e.g., environment, race, genetics) in/for social epidemiology?

Week 3: Health Disparities 
How can social epidemiology improve our understanding of the identification and analysis of, if not remedies for, health disparities?

Week 4: Theories and Constructs
What theories and/or constructs are fundamental to social epidemiology?

Week 5: Measurement
What are some fundamental measurement issues in social epidemiology?

Week 6: Design & Inference
What are some fundamental design and analysis tools in social epidemiology?

Week 7: Doing Things
What social epidemiological interventions work and fail, and why?



MarTierra 2013-08-13 03:43 0 票支持; 0 票反对



课程图谱 2013-05-31 11:06 0 票支持; 0 票反对




Social epidemiology is about how a society makes people sick and/or healthy. We address not only the identification of new disease risk factors (e.g., deficient social capital) but also how well-known exposures (e.g., cigarette smoking, lead paint, health insurance) emerge and are maintained by the social system.


社会流行病学 流行病 流行病学 健康 社会与健康 明尼苏达大学



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