MOS Transistors

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 10 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 工程

大学或机构: Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学)

授课老师: Yannis Tsividis



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The MOS transistor (MOSFET) is the workhorse of the microelectronic revolution. It is estimated that there are currently over 1 billion transistors per human being in the world. Part of the MOS transistor's success lies in its very small size (you can fit 1,000 of them within the width of a human hair!), part lies on some amazing things this device can do. However, the descriptions of MOS transistors in basic electronics courses cannot begin to do justice to this device. If you want to really know how the MOSFET operates, and how to model it, you need to study it carefully and systematically. This course will help you do just that. 

The course starts with a review of basic physical principles, and expands into a detailed treatment of MOS transistor phenomena, in a logical and systematic fashion, enhanced by intuitive discussions. We discuss a hierarchy of models - from the simple to the sophisticated - clearly identifying the connections between them, and encompassing many aspects of modeling, including dc, large-signal transient operation, quasi-static operation, non-quasi-static operation, small-signal operation, noise, and structural effects. We discuss the concepts on which the most popular CAD (computer-aided design) MOS transistor models are based.


·      Intuitive overview of the MOS Transistor.

·      Background review (semiconductors and pn junctions).

·      The 2-terminal MOS structure.

·      The 3-terminal MOS structure.

·      Long-channel MOS transistor all-region modeling.

·      Strong inversion models.

·      Weak inversion models.

·      Source reference models vs. body reference models.

·      Effective mobility.

·      Short channel effects. Velocity saturation, channel length modulation,
       two-dimensional charge sharing. Narrow channel effects.

·      DIBL. Punchthrough. Hot carrier effects. Ballistic operation.

·      Poly depletion. QM effects; DC gate current.

·      Scaling.

·      Considerations for CAD modeling.

·      Large-signal dynamic operation. 

·      Charge modeling. 

·      Quasi-static and non-quasi-static modeling.

·      Small-signal modeling.

·      Noise.

·      RF small-signal modeling.

·      Substrate nonuniformity and structural effects.



Learn how MOS transistors work, and how to model them. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.





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