Model Thinking

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 10 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 经济与金融

大学或机构: University of Michigan(美国密歇根大学)

授课老师: Scott E. Page


课程评论: 3 个评论

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We live in a complex world with diverse people, firms, and governments whose behaviors aggregate to produce novel, unexpected phenomena. We see political uprisings, market crashes, and a never ending array of social trends. How do we make sense of it? Models. Evidence shows that people who think with models consistently outperform those who don't. And, moreover people who think with lots of models outperform people who use only one. Why do models make us better thinkers? Models help us to better organize information - to make sense of that fire hose or hairball of data (choose your metaphor) available on the Internet. Models improve our abilities to make accurate forecasts. They help us make better decisions and adopt more effective strategies. They even can improve our ability to design institutions and procedures. In this class, I present a starter kit of models: I start with models of tipping points. I move on to cover models explain the wisdom of crowds, models that show why some countries are rich and some are poor, and models that help unpack the strategic decisions of firm and politicians. The models covered in this class provide a foundation for future social science classes, whether they be in economics, political science, business, or sociology. Mastering this material will give you a huge leg up in advanced courses. They also help you in life. Here's how the course will work. For each model, I present a short, easily digestible overview lecture. Then, I'll dig deeper. I'll go into the technical details of the model. Those technical lectures won't require calculus but be prepared for some algebra. For all the lectures, I'll offer some questions and we'll have quizzes and even a final exam. If you decide to do the deep dive, and take all the quizzes and the exam, you'll receive a certificate of completion. If you just decide to follow along for the introductory lectures to gain some exposure that's fine too. It's all free. And it's all here to help make you a better thinker!



ffffffoouddddd 2013-06-14 07:51 0 票支持; 0 票反对

这位老师说话像机关枪一样,字幕里面全是 [inaudible]。我觉得这门课程还是比较有挑战性,至少在没看视频前都不会做题。你知道有些课程总喜欢讲一些显而易见的东西。


wzyer 2013-06-05 19:16 4 票支持; 0 票反对

我觉得这门课适合这样的同学:1. 想拓展知识面,锻炼思维能力,不大喜欢复杂数学的同学。2.想入门MOOC的同学。

Model Thinking应该算是我在Coursera上完成的第一门课。课程的内容不算难,但“第一”这个词本身就意味着你需要去打破一些固有的东西,比如你习惯的时间安排,你的休闲娱乐等等。当时上课的时候我还拉了几个人和我一起上,最后只有我一个人坚持下来了,还坚持到了现在,成为了习惯。因此,我觉得不仅想拓宽知识面的同学应该选这门课,对于那些想进入mooc又不知道如何下手的同学,这也是一个很好的起点——它是普及性的,不需要太多背景知识;它不算难,花不了你多少时间;而且,它还挺有意思的。




最后说说老师,Scott E Page。他是研究社会学复杂系统的,所以课程中的很多实例都取自社会现象,与现实的结合很紧密。但实话实说,我对于这个领域知之甚少。我的一个简单的判断老师牛或不牛的办法,就是查查wiki上有没有专属他的页面。很幸运,google的第二个条目就是他的wiki页面。所以,想上课的尽可以打消顾虑,来听听就好了。


wzyer 2013-05-17 09:25 0 票支持; 0 票反对



In this class, you will learn how to think with models and use them to make sense of the complex world around us.


模型 模型思维 模型思维介绍 模型思维导论 密歇根大学 博弈论 经济学 囚徒困境



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