Essentials for English Speeches and Presentations 英语演讲与演示

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: 8 weeks

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 人文

大学或机构: Peking University(北京大学)

授课老师: Hongyan Zhang



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In time of globalization, making an English speech or presentation poses both an opportunity and a challenge. When facing an English interview for jobs or overseas study, or expecting an important English presentation for academic or business purposes, most of us are concerned with the following questions: How can I talk in a way other cultures may well receive? How can I avoid blunders in words and manner? How can I deliver an English speech or presentation effectively and professionally? How can I build up my strength in my active vocabulary so that I may be articulate?

This course will give you answer to all these questions and lead you progress with a series of activities, practices and a virtual community.

在全球化时代,用英语做演讲或演示对我们即使机遇也是挑战。 当我们面对一个英文求职面试或留学面试, 当我们要用英文做一个学术或商务演示,绝大多数人会问自己:我说的其他文化的人能很好接收吗?如何不在语言或行为方式上犯大错?怎样才能做出有效的、职业的演讲或演示呢?如何能塑造强大的积极词汇量真正出口成章呢?本课程回答所有这些问题并通过一系列活动、练习和虚拟社区带动你进步。


The methodology we take is called PETLT, an acronym of PERSPECTIVE, EXPERIENCE, THOUGHTS, LANGUAGE and TECHNIQUES.

Perspective: we mean to introduce global perspective to our speeches and presentations

Experience: both direct and indirect experience are counted here. It is super important that we really spend some time listening to excellent speeches before we do.

Thoughts: knowing how cultural differences affect our talking, make sure what we want to talk accepted inter-culturally.

Language: In verbal skills we resort to an intensive approach to build up active vocabulary. For non-verbal skills, lectures on this topic will be shared.

Techniques: lectures on necessary technical means to facilitate a speech or presentation including visual aids, how you use data, etc.








第一讲 学习策略

 1.1 谁该学这门课

 1.2 讲师自我介绍与课程范围

 1.3 精通英语的四个要素

 1.4 为什么世界语言是英语而不是汉语

 1.5 说好英语内在环境胜过外在环境

 1.6 英语演讲并不困难

 1.7 英语演讲与演示的学习方法与课程流程

 1.8 课后作业

 第二讲 语音语调

 2.1 汉语比英语难学得多

 2.2 中国学生英语口语的主要问题

 2.3 体会各国英语发音之间的差异

 2.4 英语音标中的元音

 2.5 英语音标中的辅音

 2.6 常错音的纠正

 2.7 英音向美音转换要点

 2.8 快速复习与单音发音作业1

 2.9 美语语调的培养

 2.10 美语语调作业2


 3.1 竞选巴黎高商学生会主席的演讲

 3.2 案例演讲分析与总结

 3.3 中西文化的差异

 3.4 个人故事"I only kiss the one I love"

 3.5 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议


 第四讲 演讲中的语音技能与非语言技能 

 4.1 肢体语言概述

 4.2 TONE在演说中的重要性

 4.3 身体移动与站姿

 4.4 手势

 4.5 视觉接触

 4.6 课后学习作业

 4.7 演讲开头的方式

 4.8 演讲中的路标词汇

 4.9 演讲结尾的方式


 第五讲 积极词汇建设与图表描述 

 5.1 积极词汇量建设之避免性别歧视

 5.2 积极词汇量建设之使语言适度

 5.3 演讲稿写作练习作业

 5.4 常用图表的相关英文表达

 5.5 描述数据变化

 5.6 练习描述数据变化

 5.7 学习范例1:Khan如何使用图表

 5.8 学习范例2:Hans的倾情数据使用

 5.9 两个数据描述练习

 5.10 各类英语考试对词汇的要求

 5.11 如何为演讲建设积极词汇量

 5.12 作业与下讲预告

 第六~八讲 英语面试、各种常见场景




Learn essential knowledge and skills to deliver an impressive English speech or presentation for academic purposes, job hunting, and business applications. Global perspective and inter-cultural communication skills are hired to facilitate most Chinese English learners. 学习在学术交流、求职、海外留学与商务场景下进行英文演讲与演示所必备的知识与技能,强化中国学生的全球化视角与跨文化沟通技巧。


