Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 7 months to complete Suggested pace of 4 hours/week

所在平台: Coursera专项课程

课程类别: 商业与管理学

大学或机构: CourseraNew

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/excel-mysql


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Formulate data questions, explore and visualize large datasets, and inform strategic decisions. In this Specialization, you’ll learn to frame business challenges as data questions. You’ll use powerful tools and methods such as Excel, Tableau, and MySQL to analyze data, create forecasts and models, design visualizations, and communicate your insights. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply your skills to explore and justify improvements to a real-world business process. The Capstone Project focuses on optimizing revenues from residential property, and Airbnb, our Capstone’s official Sponsor, provided input on the project design. Airbnb is the world’s largest marketplace connecting property-owner hosts with travelers to facilitate short-term rental transactions. The top 10 Capstone completers each year will have the opportunity to present their work directly to senior data scientists at Airbnb live for feedback and discussion.

Excel to MySQL:业务专业化分析技术:提出数据问题,探索和可视化大型数据集,并为战略决策提供依据。 在本专业知识中,您将学习将业务挑战作为数据问题来框架。您将使用Excel,Tableau和MySQL等强大的工具和方法来分析数据,创建预测和模型,设计可视化效果并传达您的见解。在最终的Capstone项目中,您将运用自己的技能来探索和证明对实际业务流程的改进。 Capstone项目专注于优化住宅物业的收益,而Capstone的官方赞助商Airbnb提供了项目设计方面的意见。爱彼迎(Airbnb)是世界上最大的交易市场,将业主与旅行者联系在一起,以促进短期租赁交易。每年排名前10的Capstone完成者将有机会直接向Airbnb Live的高级数据科学家介绍他们的工作,以进行反馈和讨论。


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杜克大学的 从Excel 到 MySQL:商业分析技术 专项课程系列(Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization) ,该系列包含5个子课程,分别是数据驱动型公司的业务指标, 掌握Excel中的数据分析,使用 Tableau 展示可视化数据, 用MySQL管理大数据以及毕业课程项目,毕业课程项目实践数据由Airbnb提供,感兴趣的同学可以关注: Turn Data Into Value-Drive business process change by identifying & analyzing key metrics in 4 industry-relevant courses.


数据分析 MySQL 商业分析 Excel 价值分析 价值驱动 数据驱动 从Excel到MySQL商业分析技术专项课程 杜克大学 airbnb

