Advanced Business Analytics Specialization

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 5 months to complete Suggested pace of 3 hours/week

所在平台: Coursera专项课程

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: CourseraNew



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The Advanced Business Analytics Specialization brings together academic professionals and experienced practitioners to share real world data analytics skills you can use to grow your business, increase profits, and create maximum value for your shareholders. Learners gain practical skills in extracting and manipulating data using SQL code, executing statistical methods for descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analysis, and effectively interpreting and presenting analytic results. The problems faced by decision makers in today’s competitive business environment are complex. Achieve a clear competitive advantage by using data to explain the performance of a business, evaluate different courses of action, and employ a structured approach to business problem-solving. Check out a one-minute video about this specialization to learn more!

高级业务分析专长:高级业务分析专长汇集了学术专业人士和经验丰富的从业人员,以分享您可以用来发展业务,增加利润并为股东创造最大价值的现实世界数据分析技能。学习者将获得使用SQL代码提取和处理数据,执行用于描述性,预测性和规范性分析的统计方法以及有效地解释和呈现分析结果的实践技能。 在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,决策者面临的问题非常复杂。通过使用数据来解释业务绩效,评估不同的行动方案并采用结构化方法来解决业务问题,从而获得明显的竞争优势。 观看有关此专业的一分钟视频,了解更多信息!


Course Link:

Name:Introduction to Data Analytics for Business

Description:Offered by University of Colorado Boulder. This course will expose you to the data analytics practices executed in the business world. We ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Predictive Modeling and Analytics

Description:Offered by University of Colorado Boulder. Welcome to the second course in the Data Analytics for Business specialization! This course ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Business Analytics for Decision Making

Description:Offered by University of Colorado Boulder. In this course you will learn how to create models for decision making. We will start with ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Communicating Business Analytics Results

Description:Offered by University of Colorado Boulder. The analytical process does not end with models than can predict with accuracy or prescribe the ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Advanced Business Analytics Capstone

Description:Offered by University of Colorado Boulder. The analytics process is a collection of interrelated activities that lead to better decisions ... Enroll for free.



高级商务分析专项课程系列(Advanced Business Analytics Specialization) ,该系列包含4门子课程和1门毕业项目课程,涵盖商业数据分析,预测模型与分析,市场决策等,感兴趣的同学可以关注: Gain Real-World Business Analytics Skills-Leverage data to solve complex business problems


商务分析 高级商务分析 高级商务分析专项课程

