Adapting: Career Development Specialization

开始时间: 12/21/2023 持续时间: Approximately 6 months to complete Suggested pace of 3 hours/week

所在平台: Coursera专项课程

课程类别: 其他类别

大学或机构: CourseraNew



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Organisations are undergoing enormous changes in their structures and processes as they seek to take advantage of innovations in technology, remain competitive in Globalising markets, and deal with the increasing diversity of their staff, customers, and supply chains. The four subjects in this specialisation will examine the personal implications of the changing organisational environment - the need to continuously adapt and learn, to manage your career, to build up resilience against stress, and to take your place as a global citizen. The aim is to enable you to thrive in working in contemporary organsations. 'Improve yourself Always' addresses the need for you to continuously develop and seeks to improve your capacity to learn and adapt. 'Build Personal Resilience' helps you enhance your resilience in the face of the pressures you will experience in working in contemporary organisations. 'Your Career Your Life' guides you in taking more responsibility for mapping out and engaging in your career. 'Become a Global Citizen' discusses the need to see yourself as a citizen of the increasingly global world of work and provides insight into the strategies to deal with cultural diversity.

适应:职业发展专业化:组织在寻求利用技术创新,在全球化市场中保持竞争力以及应对员工,客户和供应链日益多样化的过程中,其组织和流程正在发生巨大变化。本专业的四个主题将研究不断变化的组织环境对个人的影响-不断适应和学习,管理您的职业,建立抵御压力的能力以及取代您成为全球公民的需求。目的是使您能够在现代组织中蓬勃发展。 “始终改善自己”满足您不断发展的需求,并努力提高您的学习和适应能力。面对在现代组织中工作所面临的压力,“建立个人韧性”可帮助您增强韧性。 “您的职业生涯”可指导您承担更多的责任,以规划和从事您的职业。 “成为全球公民”讨论了将自己视为日益全球化的工作世界的公民的必要性,并提供了应对文化多样性战略的见识。


Course Link:

Name:Build personal resilience

Description:Offered by Macquarie University. Globalisation and advances in information and communication technology have resulted in a 24/7 work ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Cultural intelligence: Become a global citizen

Description:Offered by Macquarie University. We now live in a truly global, interconnected world in which every manager requires a high level of ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Career planning: Your career, your life

Description:Offered by Macquarie University. Are you satisfied with your career? Where do you see yourself in the future? No matter where you are on ... Enroll for free.

Course Link:

Name:Professional development: Improve yourself, always

Description:Offered by Macquarie University. The world of work is characterised by rapid ongoing change. In this dynamic environment, one of the most ... Enroll for free.



适应职业发展专项课程(Adapting: Career Development Specialization),您将学到什么:批判性地评估自我导向的个人变革过程,并将其应用于领导力发展的某个领域;了解压力的驱动因素和增强应对压力的策略;评估职业管理问题,设计符合个人价值观、兴趣、个性和技能的职业道路;批判性地评估文化智能的性质,并在管理多样性的过程中运用策略培养自己的文化敏感性。


职业发展 职业 发展 职业管理 管理

