The Fundamentals of Computing Capstone Exam

开始时间: 04/22/2022 持续时间: Unknown

所在平台: CourseraArchive

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: CourseraNew



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While most specializations on Coursera conclude with a project-based course, students in the "Fundamentals of Computing" specialization have completed more than 20+ projects during the first six courses of the specialization. Given that much of the material in these courses is reused from session to session, our goal in this capstone class is to provide a conclusion to the specialization that allows each student an opportunity to demonstrate their individual mastery of the material in the specialization. With this objective in mind, the focus in this Capstone class will be an exam whose questions are updated periodically. This approach is designed to help insure that each student is solving the exam problems on his/her own without outside help. For students that have done their own work, we do not anticipate that the exam will be particularly hard. However, those students who have relied too heavily on outside help in previous classes may have a difficult time. We believe that this approach will increase the value of the Certificate for this specialization.

计算基础课程的基础考试:虽然Coursera上的大多数专业都以基于项目的课程结束,但是“计算基础”专业的学生在该专业的前六门课程中已经完成了20多个项目。鉴于这些课程中的大部分材料在课程之间都可以重复使用,因此我们在本课堂上的目标是为专业化提供一个结论,使每个学生都有机会展示自己对专业化材料的掌握。 考虑到这一目标,本Capstone课程的重点将是考试,其问题会定期更新。此方法旨在确保每个学生在没有外部帮助的情况下自行解决考试问题。对于已经完成自己工作的学生,我们认为考试不会特别困难。但是,那些在以前的课程中过分依赖外部帮助的学生可能会遇到困难。我们相信,这种方法将增加证书的专业价值。



While most specializations on Coursera conclude with a project-based course, students in the "Fundam


计算原理 编程基础 Python编程 Python

